Kamis, 18 November 2010

Mystery Lailat Qodar From Scientific Perspective

Take advantage the night of Ramadan to expand knowledge and build a religious belief. Rajendra Kartawiria (Quranic Quotient Centre)

Why is Ramadan?

In Islam we know of four sacred months, namely Dzulka'idah, Dhu al-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab. Ramadan, which means the heat was not included as the holy month. Why Ramadan is selected for full month fasting?

In the science of astronomy, solar radiation has a cycle every 11 years.

Year 2007 itself is the end of the twentieth-three cycle since the first observations in the 18th Century.

Earth is protected by Magnestosphere, so the impact of radiation storm is not happening on the Earth-facing side of the sun (daylight).

When solar radiation storms come, the impact is felt in parts of the earth back to the sun (night).

Radiation at night will affect the vibration level of the brain.

Gravitation and radiation of the full moon will increase sea levels and the lives of sea creatures at night. It also draws water in the brain membrane and more thrilling of brain cells. Vibration brain cells indicates the level of consciousness and brain activity.

Muslims are recommended to sunnah fasting for 3 days "shaumul biidh" when the bright moon each on 13, 14, and 15 Hijri month and no sleep to take advantage of blessing on those nights.

Radiation level is varied from 0 - 100000 and in the scale of S1-S5 by NOAA.

Based on observation, radiation of 1000 MeV particles s-1 ster-1 cm-2 occurred 10 times in one cycle of 11 years, or occurs every 13 months. Radiation of 1000 MeV particles s-1 ster-1 cm-2 was classified on a scale of S3, and began to be harmful to humans at a chest x-ray.

Radiation at 11.7-month cycle (1 year hijriyah) is 800 MeV particles s-1 ster-1 cm-2

Led to the hypothesis Lailat Qadr night

Night of glory is better than a thousand months
(QS Al-Qadr 97:3)

Building Block ...

  • The night whose value is equal to 1000 times the full moon is Lailat Qadr
  • One annual cycle (hijriyah) value is equal to 1000 times the full moon
  • Lailat Qadr occurs in the month of Ramadan.

That's why ...

  • History of the prophets shows that they prefer to contemplate the essence of life, be imprisoned, in each month of Ramadhan.
  • In general, the revelations about religious doctrine that requires a high level of understanding, many of which descended on the nights of Ramadan.
  • The arrangement of the Qur’anic verses into the letters as presented at this time, carried out by the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. on the nights of Ramadan.
  • Muslims are encouraged to explore the religious teachings on the nights of Ramadan.
  • More major is i'tiqaf in the mosque at ten last night, on the nights before and after Lailat Qadr

"Three in One" in the month of Ramadan

  • To be able to explore religion on the eve of Ramadan needed extra energy
  • The reality of fasting during the day does not cause the body lacks / run out of energ
  • Instead of fasting the body's energy saving of 10% because it is not used to digest food
  • The energy saved is very helpful for understanding a lesson in the evening
  • Three in One in Ramadan

  1. Effective understand Al Quran at night
  2. Detoxification and Energy Management at noon
  3. Back sacred (physically and spiritually) after fasting for 28 days continuously

Take advantage of the nights of Ramadan

  • To be able to easily understand the meaning of life in a comprehensive and correct, take advantage of the clarity of the brain to think in silence of the night Lailat Qadr.
  • To get a broader understanding, the nights around Lailat Qadr is also recommended (10 the last night of Ramadan).
  • More recommended that the activities of religious understanding begins the first night of Ramadan, while fasting noon .
  • The result of the understanding gained in the evening we should be able to implement in daily life.
  • Blessing of life will be obtained if we contribute positively to the life of the world by submitting ourselves to Him (Allah SWT).
  • Blessing of life hereafter will be obtained when we can always enjoy and be grateful with the life of this world.

If there are less than perfect,
it is because the shallowness of science.
If there are less pleased,
it is not good due to communication.
We apologize for any weaknesses.
Hopefully helpful


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