Until t
he end of the year 90's, forest management in the outer Java island that conducted by the Forest Concession Holder/ Forest Management Unit / IUPHHK more oriented on the amount of timber production, without considering the environmental and social aspects that must also be managed as a unity of sustainable forest management. Similarly with the forest planting activity to ensure long-term sustainability of production, less a serious run. Sustainable forest management has become a popular slogan in the forestry sector, the facts on the ground conditions are indicate otherwise. Figures rate forest degradation continue to show a number of large increases. Number of non forested areas in the working area of IUPHHK increased, decreased quality of forests and forest production aggregation function as a hydrological protection and conservation of natural resources biological-diversity to be not functioning optimally. Theory states that forests are renewable natural resources seems almost not at all evident.
Forest management errors that have occurred in a long time could not be separated from the Government’s weak monitoring capacity to the various activities of the IUPHHK as Forest Management Unit in the field. Comparison that is not balanced between the forest area to be monitored by the number of forestry staff, which makes effective monitoring as something impossible can be done without involving the other party. Forest management situation which almost all out of control, the sustainable forest management can be found only in the physical activity report data without able to do validity verification in the field, even in the scale of minimum. Garbage in garbage out, the low validity of the data reported by Forest Manajemen Unit, has caused many Government policies were not in accordance with actual conditions and problems that occur in the field.
Major breakthrough for the government policy to strengthen the Government monitoring capacity of the IUPHHK’s activities in the field born in 2002 when at the same time the Minister of Forestry issued two policies. Each is the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 4795/Kpts-II/2002 on 3 June 2002 which set the 4 criteria and 24 indicators of Sustainable of Natural Production Forest Management (PHAPL) and Minister of Forestry Decree No. 4796/Kpts-II/2002 on 3 June 2002 that require each IUPHHK for the assessment of performance PHAPL (mandatory) by the Institute Independent Assessors (LPI) every 3 years. Seriousness the government to improve the performance of forest management increasingly evident when in 2002, 2003 and then repeated every 2 years conducted the selection process to get the LPI for Forest Nature eligible to obtain accreditation from the Ministry of Forestry.
In addition to the LPI duty conduct assessments through field verification, the system performance assessment PHAPL is also involved elements of forestry experts, environmental and social as independent Evaluation Team (TE), which works to evaluate the feasibility of the quality and objectivity of the assessment of the of LPI and Verification Considerations Board (DPV) to make technical objective if there is a IUPHHK submit letter of objection against the assessment results of LPI. Improving the quality of assessment continues to be done dynamically through improvement methodology. While the increase in HR competency is done through training organized by the Institute Ekolabel Indonesia (LEI). To stimulate each LPI work maximally, in the assessment system is applied to reward and punishment to the performance reports LPI. For LPI is based on the results of the assessment show the performance of TE akan get good reward and vice versa for the LPI shows that poor performance will get the punishment until the termination of its status as the LPI.
During the seven years of running the assessment system is effective for
the assessment of performance PHAPL an independent, comprehensive and objective. Integrity and competence assessors team successfully developed well, and immune from the various acts of irregularities. Terms of competency and qualification teams continue to be improved . Similarly, the assessment methodology, from year to year continue to be developed and improved accuracy. Consistency value performance indicator of 24 PHAPL assessed, maintained with the preparation of inter-Relational indicators. Everything is done to obtain the assessment results accurately and comprehensively. To ensure the sharpness of the assessment results of each indicator is described further in some relevant verifier and equipped with the standards of maturity weight verifier. Verifier can be input based, legal-based, process-based and based out-put.
To obtain results that more fair, each verifier in one indicators determined the status of the proximity indicator, which is stratified into three levels, namely dominant verifier, pre-dominant verifier and supporting verifier. IUPHHK for the period of operation is relatively young (≤ 5 years) the dominant verifier will be focused on verifier-based input or process. While for the period of operation IUPHHK relatively old (more than 5 years) verifier-based out-put status will become dominant, so that will be the focus for assessment.
The process of assessing each verifier will almost certainly always present
analysis of the suitability of financial allocation data ((planning and realization ) with the physical activity data / reporting activities (planning and realization), and proceed with the field verification to know the level of data validity and quality level of activities implementation in the field. The process is conducted to obtain accurate results and komprehenship The process is carried out to obtain the assessment results accurately and comprehensively. So that the IUPHHK’s value of "bad" "medium" or "good" is because it really can be evidenced by the activities data support and actual field conditions with equivalent quality.
There are no other options for achieving the rank IUPHHK for performance "medium" or "good" except with the implement all obligations and responsibilities of forest management are evident in the field and correctly in accordance with the rules and regulations. Implementation of the IUPHHK performance assessment system that substance is the verification data to forest management activities to the field level, the various violation forms of sustainable forest management principles can no longer be covered with the data manipulation and physical manipulation of spatial data or maps, because it will be detected in the field. This can be seen from the results of the PHAPL performance assessment phase one that shows more than 50% of the votes IUPHHK ranking performance indicates the value of "bad".
In order to improve the performance of forest management in the future IUPHHK, Institute Independent assessors have made Corective Action Request (CAR's) for the indicators that show the value of bad. When the CAR's are processed into the action plan and implemented consistently in the field, guaranteed the performance of sustainable forest management units will be increased. Based on the results of the assessment of performance sustainable forest management unit phase II indicates that there has been increasing the unit's performance sustainable forest management with the value of the average to be a "medium". Management units that do not improve their performance and value are still performing poorly, in general, due to the action plan or CAR's does not carry consistently in the field.
System performance sustainable forest management unit that was built to improve the monitoring capacity of the Government, has been running for seven years. The increasing number of forest management units that successfully improve their performance, proving that the implementation of the performance assessment system significantly beneficial, so eligible to proceed. Results of performance assessment of sustainable forest management and supporting data, will become a useful input for the Government to issue a policy that is compatible with many current problems in the field. Sustainable Forest Management during the thirty-two years earlier only to be nearly the slogan, in the future through the implementation of the performance assessment system in stages and surely will be achieved.
On behalf of the sustainable forest management and the successful return of the forestry sector, required the involvement of various stakeholders to participate in maintaining and supporting the performance assessment system of sustainable forest management from the various negative efforts that seems to want to improve the system, but indeed only intended to prevent and create a "dead lock" situation so that in the end can not run at all.
Forest management errors that have occurred in a long time could not be separated from the Government’s weak monitoring capacity to the various activities of the IUPHHK as Forest Management Unit in the field. Comparison that is not balanced between the forest area to be monitored by the number of forestry staff, which makes effective monitoring as something impossible can be done without involving the other party. Forest management situation which almost all out of control, the sustainable forest management can be found only in the physical activity report data without able to do validity verification in the field, even in the scale of minimum. Garbage in garbage out, the low validity of the data reported by Forest Manajemen Unit, has caused many Government policies were not in accordance with actual conditions and problems that occur in the field.
In addition to the LPI duty conduct assessments through field verification, the system performance assessment PHAPL is also involved elements of forestry experts, environmental and social as independent Evaluation Team (TE), which works to evaluate the feasibility of the quality and objectivity of the assessment of the of LPI and Verification Considerations Board (DPV) to make technical objective if there is a IUPHHK submit letter of objection against the assessment results of LPI. Improving the quality of assessment continues to be done dynamically through improvement methodology. While the increase in HR competency is done through training organized by the Institute Ekolabel Indonesia (LEI). To stimulate each LPI work maximally, in the assessment system is applied to reward and punishment to the performance reports LPI. For LPI is based on the results of the assessment show the performance of TE akan get good reward and vice versa for the LPI shows that poor performance will get the punishment until the termination of its status as the LPI.
During the seven years of running the assessment system is effective for
To obtain results that more fair, each verifier in one indicators determined the status of the proximity indicator, which is stratified into three levels, namely dominant verifier, pre-dominant verifier and supporting verifier. IUPHHK for the period of operation is relatively young (≤ 5 years) the dominant verifier will be focused on verifier-based input or process. While for the period of operation IUPHHK relatively old (more than 5 years) verifier-based out-put status will become dominant, so that will be the focus for assessment.
The process of assessing each verifier will almost certainly always present
There are no other options for achieving the rank IUPHHK for performance "medium" or "good" except with the implement all obligations and responsibilities of forest management are evident in the field and correctly in accordance with the rules and regulations. Implementation of the IUPHHK performance assessment system that substance is the verification data to forest management activities to the field level, the various violation forms of sustainable forest management principles can no longer be covered with the data manipulation and physical manipulation of spatial data or maps, because it will be detected in the field. This can be seen from the results of the PHAPL performance assessment phase one that shows more than 50% of the votes IUPHHK ranking performance indicates the value of "bad".
System performance sustainable forest management unit that was built to improve the monitoring capacity of the Government, has been running for seven years. The increasing number of forest management units that successfully improve their performance, proving that the implementation of the performance assessment system significantly beneficial, so eligible to proceed. Results of performance assessment of sustainable forest management and supporting data, will become a useful input for the Government to issue a policy that is compatible with many current problems in the field. Sustainable Forest Management during the thirty-two years earlier only to be nearly the slogan, in the future through the implementation of the performance assessment system in stages and surely will be achieved.
On behalf of the sustainable forest management and the successful return of the forestry sector, required the involvement of various stakeholders to participate in maintaining and supporting the performance assessment system of sustainable forest management from the various negative efforts that seems to want to improve the system, but indeed only intended to prevent and create a "dead lock" situation so that in the end can not run at all.